News – Tagged "grooming" – Grosvenor Park Products

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competition, grooming, horse showing, manes, perfect plaits, plaiting, plaiting apron, plaiting needle, plaiting spray, plaiting thread, plaiting tools, plaiting wax, show prep -

Our new plaiting tools from Smart Grooming UK will revolutionise the way you plait your horse. Plaiting wax, flat wax plaiting thread and specialist needles will all make the plaiting task far quicker and easier.

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cats, dog grooming, dogs, Equigroomer, grooming, grooming tools, Grosvenor Park Products, horse grooming, horses, pet grooming, shedding, shedding tool -

The story behind the creation of Equigroomer - your new favourite shedding and grooming tool. It removes loose hair, dust and dirt from horses, dogs, cats or any hairy beast.

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grooming, grooming tools, horse showing, mane pulling, mane rake, mane thinner, Smart Manes, Smart Tails, tail rake, tail thinner, tail thinning -

A step by step guide to the perfect tail - the humane way. How to get the “pulled” tail look using a Smart Tails thinning comb – in minutes! Tidying your horse’s tail with a Smart Tails comb really is easy. In just a few minutes anyone can transform a messy tail into a beautifully finished one ready for the show ring.

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